A journey of self discovery and liberation🪶. Challenge yourself🚀(DMT, psychedelic breathing) I share my first ever journey.

I wanted to share with you one of my transformational journeys The Breath of Transformation🫁 A Journey Within  In a world filled with noise and distractions, looking for inner peace and self-discovery grows stronger. It was during one of my endless quests for something deeper that I stumbled upon the transformative practice of breathwork a …


How good is your breathing🧐? 5 fundamentals points you should focus on to improve it💪🏾.

Is there a perfect way to breathe? In my opinion, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to breathing. Instead, it’s about understanding the different breathing possibilities available to us and learning to adjust our breathing in various situations or activities. In this article, I will share my top five breathing points for transitioning from autopilot breathing …

You have probably heard of BREATHWORK haven’t you ?

BUT ACTUALLY … WHAT THE F# IS BREATHWORK ?! The question that might resonate in your head.. Which is exactly the one I am aiming to answer in this article. We always focus on our diet and sport to improve our overall health span. Have you ever considered taking a look at your breathing too …